Dr Parag Vora Hamilton - My Newest Youtube Videos

Hey Folks!

I, Doctor Parag Vora (Hamilton), with over 2 decades of experience as a Radiologist at McMaster University, Canada is here to spill the beans on my video making adventures. I recently started some amateur work on video making and will be sharing them in the blog.

I have worked with the leading physicians of Canada and have assisted them with Radiology. Now, after a decade, I have decided to spare my time to pursue my hobbies and live my life to its fullest, starting from trying to make my name as Parag Vora Hamilton travel expert.

There’s so much to do and such a short life it is! But Parag Vora will keep on trying :)

Dr Parag Vora - Hamilton Travel Guide Video

Radiology has helped millions of patients to recover from chronic diseases. Building a career in radiology took a lot of learning and it was decades before Dr Parag Vora reached this high point of success. The highly rewarding career have been very fruitful for me. But In 2019, I want to work into an entirely unique project, which is being a Local Guide for Burlington and Hamilton, Canada. And my first Youtube is about that!

Check out Dr Parag Vora Radiologist Hamilton on makandra cards to know more about my passion for travelling.

A doctor by profession and a writer from heart, Dr. Vora’s travelogues clearly depicts my explorer instincts. See this Youtube video to come across Dr Parag Vora’s Burlington Travel Guide.


Doctor Parag Vora - Radiologist Video

I, Parag Vora, Hamilton’s reknowned radiologist and has an immaculate service record that reflects my dedication towards my work. Radiology uses imaging techniques to diagnose various diseases that people suffer from. As a doctor, I can tell that it’s a rigorous practice that helps in planning a patient’s treatment. If you have invested more than 10 years in this clinical field, it becomes a highly rewarding career.” You can know more about me on my LinkedIn ID: Parag Vora Mcmaster!

See this Youtube video to know more about medical accomplishments of Dr Parag Vora, Hamilton (McMaster University), Canada.

Parag Vora - Hamilton Radiologist Career

Radiology is established as a cornerstone for diagnosing big problems like cancer or tumours. So, there is a huge demand of radiologists who can conduct thorough examinations and tests with high success rate. This is exactly what I do as Dr Parag Vora Hamilton, Canada (McMaster University).
Dr Parag Vora from McMaster University, Canada is a known name in Hamilton but most of it has to do with his medical accomplishments. But very few people know about the work I have been doing in philanthropy. Recently, I shared my plans on continuing the charity work started in 2016 for welfare of blind women.

Know more about my medicine and philanthropic efforts of Doctor Parag Vora (Canada)

I have spent hours working my way through radiology to be Dr. Parag Vora - Mcmaster Radiologist , but being Parag Vora Hamilton Travel Guide has given me a whole new experience. Pursuing your passion surely gives you immense happiness and pleasure. My love and passion for travelling has helped me find a better me. It is exciting to sharing my experiences with all my readers and motivates me to carve myself as a travel blogger.


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