Dr Parag Vora - A Radiologist’s Blog from Burlington, Hamilton, Canada
Hello Everyone, I am back here with a new post as Parag Vora Radiologist in Burlington, Hamilton, Canada. I have written 2 blogs till now and they have been much appreciated by my friends and family. Here are the links to the earlier posts about me as Dr. Parag Vora:
Dr Parag Vora McMaster on Medium - This is the first blog I wrote this month. Not the best but I did a decent job on sharing what Dr Parag Vora of McMaster is all about.
Parag Vora - Hamilton & Burlington Travel Guide - This is the first blog post focused on my plan to become a local travel expert. That’s right! Being Dr Parag Vora is not enough for me. I also want to be Parag Vora, Burlington and Hamilton travel expert.
Dr. Vora is a leading radiologist at Mcmaster University, Hamilton, Canada who has given his immaculate dedicated service to the institution for the last decade. He has contributed 20 years of his life towards radiology and has spread his expertise and research through several seminars and lectures in Toronto, Ontario, Texas, and other regions of Canada & USA.
Dr. Parag holds the position of Faculty Radiologist at McMaster University in Burlington. His favourite research subject is GI imaging and interventions. Besides radiology, Dr. Vora has keen interest in Oncology Intervention and Abdominal Imaging in Mcmaster University, Canada (Hamilton).

Dr Parag Vora - Radiologist and Doctor
I have made several accomplishments during my career and have contributed a lot to the medical field. I have sincerely
fulfilled my duties as a radiologist for the last two decades. In
McMaster University, I have done some noticeable work in the last
fifteen years and have become part of university research, workshops,
and seminars to create value for resident doctors, students, and the
public of Burlington, Hamilton, Canada! Check out university profile of Parag Vora, MacMaster.
Now that we have spoken about the work we have already done, let’s get down to the accomplishments of last decade.
During the talk, he shared his travel journeys and his philanthropist work. Read candid interview of Doctor Parag Vora of Burlington, Canada.
Dr Parag Vora - Mcmaster’s Leading Radiologist
As a radiologist, Doctor Vora (Burlington, Canada) has various feathers in his cap. The renowned doctor who has a keen interest in studying GI interventions and Abdominal Imaging have attended hundreds of medical seminars and given presentations. Tens of thousands of patients have benefited from radiology expertise of Dr Parag from McMaster University.During the talk, he shared his travel journeys and his philanthropist work. Read candid interview of Doctor Parag Vora of Burlington, Canada.
Dr Parag Vora - Medical accomplishments
As Dr. Parag Vora, I have become part of hundreds of researches, lectures, and conferences. Below are the best ones I can recall:
Seminars By Dr. Parag:
· Practical Approach to Oncological Imaging Conference: October 2009. White Oaks Conference Resort, Niagara –on-the Lake.
· OAR CT Colonography Workshop: October 2009. Case Moderator.
· Intervention in Colon: Stents: Radiology Inservice, McMaster University Medical Centre, May 2008.
· Newer Imaging of the Colon: Virtual colonoscopy: Hamilton Association Of Gastroenterologists meeting. April 2008.
McMaster Experience - Over 15 years
I have worked for over 15
years with dedication and expertise among leading doctors and
physicians of McMaster University, Canada. To be very frank, I wouldn't
be the renowned Dr. Parag Vora of McMaster University, Hamilton without
the support of my colleagues and guides who always supported and helped
me to discover my potential in the field of radiology. I am passionate
about my work and always believe in serving mankind in the most possible
way as I can.
Presentations by Dr. Parag Vora:
· Barium enemas: Are radiographers up to it?” Scientific Exhibit at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR), 2004, Vienna, Austria.
· Radial angioplasty case presentation at Solway Vascular Group meeting, March 2000, Carlisle, U.K.
“Feeding Jejunostomy in Major Aortic Surgery”. Presented to M6 Vascular Group meeting Sept. 98, Manchester, U.K. Dr Parag Vora, Crunchbase
My new year resolution was also to understand internet more. Get into blogging and build my personal brand as Dr Parag Vora, Radiologist at McMaster University, Canada. So, I worked in that direction.
Doctor Vora, a person of such a versatile personality! A radiologist, a traveller and a philanthropist. Very rarely we come across such human beings who think about betterment of others. Dr. Parag Vora of McMaster is an idol for his long list of followers and why shouldn’t he be?
Parag Vora- Radiologist with philanthropist’s heart
Doctor Parag vora Mumbai based NGO for blind women from quite a time and is planning to continue his philanthropic work as Dr. Parag Vora of McMaster (Canada) and other places in future. my lovely family is behind his generous attitude and passion towards the upliftment of helpless and destitute.Doctor Vora, a person of such a versatile personality! A radiologist, a traveller and a philanthropist. Very rarely we come across such human beings who think about betterment of others. Dr. Parag Vora of McMaster is an idol for his long list of followers and why shouldn’t he be?
Dr. Parag Vora Burlington, Hamilton - Contact Details & Info
I started by building my personal website and pages to make sure that I’m found online by anyone looking for radiology assistance in Hamilton, Burlington, and rest of Canada. So, I created following websites:
Parag Vora on About.me
Parag Vora on Strikingly
Dr Parag Vora Radiologist on Facebook
Parag Vora Burlington on Instagram
Parag Vora McMaster on Twitter
Please go through the above and let me know what you think. All my life, I have been a doctor who has excelled at radiology but now I want to be something more. Please keep sharing your suggestions!
I will write more very soon. This is Parag Vora signing off!
Nice post.